舒曼谈音乐和美术"The painter turns a poem into a painting; the musician sets a picture to music" - Robert Schumann
翻译: 画家把诗变成画, 音乐家把画变成音乐
http://bbs.guitarchina.com/thread-440056-1-1.html 帕格尼尼谈如何吸引女观众(译者按: 这是俺在别的网站上看到的....MM们看了一定不高兴, 也许一气之下就再也不碰帕格尼尼的作品了....)
"I am not handsome, but when women hear me play, they come crawling to my feet" - Niccoló Paganini
翻译: 帕格尼尼说: "我长得并不英俊, 但是女士们听了我的演奏后, 都会趴在我的脚下..."
Eliot Fisk谈古典吉他演奏"... all those classical guitarists who have played like typewriters and sewing machines ... are the reason that the audience for classical guitar has fallen off. Youve got to communicate; youve got to sing! Trying to present this polished exterior that sounds like a recording - dont ever buzz the guitar, dont ever play a forte, have motionless hands - is a dreadful, utter, bloody bore! - Eliot Fisk 1997
"...这些古典吉他家们的演奏就象打字或踩缝纫机...这就是为古典吉他的听众越来越少的原因. 你必须(用吉他)去和观众交流, 你必须(用吉他)去歌唱! 如果试图去用录音棚录音的方法追求安全无错地演奏(去现场交流) - 从不碰品, 从不奏出很强的音, 双手毫无表情地演奏 - 这样的(现场)演奏是可怕的, 十足地让听众厌烦! " - Eliot Fisk 1997
Eliot Fisk的官方主页:
http://www.eliotfisk.com/讨论:http://bbs.guitarchina.com/thread-440714-1-1.html 塞戈维亚谈年轻观众"You will see in my audiences more and more young people. It is from them that I draw my youth" - Andrés Segovia
"在我的听众群里, 你将会见到 越来越多的年轻人. 从他们身上我的到了活力" - 塞戈维亚
译者按: 要是在今天的中国, 老塞一定会为他的观众群高兴吧
http://bbs.guitarchina.com/thread-446712-1-1.html 多明戈语录"When I rest I rust" - Placido Domingo
翻译: "生命不息, 表演不止" 多明戈如是说
http://bbs.guitarchina.com/thread-448466-1-1.html 甲壳虫乐队首席吉他手乔治.哈里斯谈塞戈维亚"Segovia, he is the daddy of us all" - George Harris
翻译: "塞戈维亚, 是我们所有人的音乐教父." - 乔治.哈里斯
乔治.哈里斯 (February 25, 1943 – November 29, 2001), 绰号黑马, 是甲壳虫乐队首席吉他手, 奥斯卡金像奖和格兰美音乐奖获得者, 甲壳虫乐队解散后以吉他演奏家和电影制片人活跃于娱乐界, 和麦当娜等都有过合作.
http://bbs.guitarchina.com/thread-448859-1-1.html 塞戈维亚回应甲壳虫乐队首席吉他手乔治.哈里斯对自己的吹捧"Daddy of them all? They are not even my illegitimate children" - Andres Segovia (on George Harrisons comment.)
翻译: "他们所有人的父亲? 他们甚至不是我的私生子..." - A.塞戈维亚
原话见http://bbs.guitarchina.com/thread-448859-1-1.html: 甲壳虫乐队首席吉他手乔治.哈里斯谈塞戈维亚:
"Segovia, he is the daddy of us all" - George Harris
翻译: "塞戈维亚, 是我们所有人的父亲." - 乔治.哈里斯
http://bbs.guitarchina.com/thread-449334-1-1.html Pepe Romero 谈 Bach"As a rule, when playing Bach, I dont like to add notes. I think thateven almost more important than what he says is what he doesnt say,what he lets your imagination hear. He was an incredible master ofimplied harmony" - Pepe Romero - Masterclass 1983
做为一种规则, 当演奏Bach作品的时候, 我不喜欢自己增加音符. 我觉得Bach表达的, 还有他让你去想象的, 比他没有表达的更重要. 他是不可思议的隐喻的和声大师.
Pepe Romero - 1983年大师班
http://bbs.guitarchina.com/thread-451384-1-1.html 布里姆谈战后的二手琴"My father brought home a fresh guitar every week because he went into buying and selling second-hand guitars. This was at the end of the war and in those days there were many second- hand junk shops around and occasionally you could pick up the most extraordinary instruments, and of course one never paid more than six or eight quid. They were mostly Panormos or Lacotes, but occasionally there would be the odd Martin or Staufer, and a whole lot of cheap Spanish guitars by Garcia and Julve" - Julian Bream
"因为买卖二手琴的缘故, 我父亲每星期都带会家一把新吉他. 那时战争刚结束, 周围有很多二手杂物店, 偶尔你有可能会挑到特别的乐器 - 当然价格从不超过六镑或八镑. 一般大多数是Panormos 或Lacotes, 不过有时侯也难得会碰上Martin或Staufer, 还有很多便宜的Garcia和Julve制做的西班牙琴." Julian Bream
http://bbs.guitarchina.com/thread-452686-1-1.html Benjamin Verdery论吉他的多样性"What I love about the world is that there are so many diverse people in it. Everybody does something different. And thats what I love about the guitar. Its an instrument where there are so many different experts in so many different fields. Theres no other instrument like that. Flamenco guitar, classical guitar, blues guitar, rock guitar, country, flat picking, bluegrass -its incredible! And youll find real virtuosi in all those fields" - Benjamin Verdery
"我热爱这个世界里人类的差异性.每个人都有不同的处事方法. 这也是我喜爱吉他的原因. 在吉他世界里有如此众多的领域和不同的专家. 没有其他乐器象这样. 弗拉门哥吉他, 古典吉他, 布鲁斯(蓝调)吉他, 摇滚吉他, 乡村歌曲(民谣)吉他, 匹克吉他, 蓝草(Bluegrass)吉他 - 简直是不可思议! 而且你能在这些所有的领域里找到很多真正的名家. " - Benjamin Verdery
Benjamin Verdery: 见http://www.gamisim.com/benv.htm, 被Guitar Review Magazine誉为"美国土生土长的大师"的古典吉他演奏家和作曲家. 其主要CD包括: Bach: Transcriptions for Guitar (GRI); The Mask (New World Records) performing Castelnuovo-Tedescos Romancero Gitano, Op. 152 for chorus and guitar; Reverie: French Music for Flute and Guitar (Schmidt/Verdery Duo, Sony Classical); John Williams Plays Vivaldi (Sony Classical) performing Vivaldi’s Concerto in G Major for Two Mandolins; Some Towns and Cities (Sony Classical), Ride the Wind Horse: American Guitar Music (Sony Classical) and The Enchanted Dawn ( Schmidt/Verdery Duo, GRI).
Bluegrass Guitar:
是专为Bluegrass Music设计的吉他, 详见http://www.bluegrassguitar.com/
Bluegrass Music:
蓝草音乐是美国早期移民自欧洲传来的山区音乐, 特点简单明快, 在美国南方流行. 肯塔基州(Kentucky)有蓝草音乐博物馆和蓝草音乐节, 肯塔基州的州歌Blue Moon of Kentucky(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Moon_of_Kentucky)就是一首蓝草音乐风格的歌曲.
http://bbs.guitarchina.com/thread-453550-1-1.html Segovia谈吉他是音乐海洋中小岛的原话"Music is like an ocean and the instruments are like small islands.Some are flat, other mountainous, some are florid. The guitar is one ofthe most beautiful of the islands. I say that as a musician and not asa guitarist" - Andrés Segovia
"音乐象海洋, 各种乐器象是海中的小岛。 有的平坦, 有的崎岖, 有的华美. 吉他则是最美丽的小岛之一. 我是作为音乐家而不是吉他家这么说的" - 塞戈维亚
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